Thursday, January 3, 2008

Education - Democratic


$3000 tax credit for college for anyone earning under $150K. (Sep 2007)
There needs to be performance-based pay for teachers. (Aug 2007)
Teach sex ed in schools; including prevention methods. (Aug 2007)
Sent kids to private school after death of their mother. (Jul 2007)
Overcome racial achievement gap with early education. (Jun 2007)
Pay teachers more to get better educational results. (Apr 2007)
FactCheck: Japan pays teachers more, but not India & China. (Apr 2007)
NCLB needs more resources, but also is fundamentally flawed. (Feb 2007)
Princeton was last Ivy holdout to admit women & minorities. (Jan 2006)


We have not yet reached consensus on education reform. (Sep 2007)
Incentive pay for school wide performance. (Aug 2007)
Universal pre-kindergarten; and make family the best school. (Aug 2007)
Working families cannot participate in school between 9 & 3. (Jul 2007)
It takes a village; American village has failed our children. (Jun 2007)
Establish right to education from pre-school thru college. (Jun 2007)
Supports public school choice; but not private nor parochial. (Oct 2006)
Transfer tax cuts from rich & corporations to student aid. (Jun 2006)
Teacher testing only for new teachers. (Oct 2000)
Testing only new teachers respects professionalism. (Oct 2000)
Reforms: teacher corps; more federal funding; modernize. (Sep 2000)
Buffalo teacher’s strike inappropriate; hope for negotiation. (Sep 2000)
Opposes merit pay for individual teachers. (Apr 2000)
Supports merit pay for entire schools. (Apr 2000)
Scholarships for teachers who go to urban schools. (Mar 2000)
Increase resources to meet increased standards. (Mar 2000)
Hold kids to high standards, starting at home. (Jul 1999)
Address teacher shortage with salary increases. (Jul 1999)
Teachers need more peer consulting & more recognition. (Jul 1999)
Social promotion cheats our children. (Jul 1999)
More after-school; smaller classes. (Jul 1999)
Read to young kids 20-30 minutes daily. (Jul 1999)
Entire school staff should focus on school safety. (Jul 1999)
Metal detectors at school are not much of an intrusion. (Jun 1999)
Arts education is needed in our schools. (Sep 1998)
Give kids after-school activities to prevent gangs. (Apr 1998)
Allow student prayer, but no religious instruction. (Sep 1996)
Supports structured inner-city schools, with uniforms. (May 1996)


Advocate for free community-college education. (Sep 2007)
Incentive pay for tougher schools, but not performance pay. (Aug 2007)
Daughter attends public school. (Jul 2007)
Reform No Child Left Behind to invest in failing schools. (Jul 2007)
Tragedy that Supreme Court overturns Brown desegregation. (Jul 2007)
Shame of resegregation has been occurring in our schools. (Jun 2007)
Highest priority is equal educational opportunity. (Jun 2007)


End No Child Left Behind; end testing as be-all & end-all. (Sep 2007)
Free education from pre-kindergarten to college. (Sep 2007)
Fund universal pre-K with 15% cut in Pentagon budget. (Aug 2007)
Teach sex ed in schools; including AIDS prevention. (Aug 2007)
Sent kids to public school; apply that to all kids. (Jul 2007)
Stop funding war, start funding education; 15% DoD reduction. (Jun 2007)
Constitutional amendment guaranteeing equal opportunity. (Jun 2007)
Quality education is a core American right. (Nov 2006)
Vouchers divert public money away from public schools. (Jan 2004)
Stop making us a nation of test-takers: free education. (Jan 2004)
Establish universal pre-kindergarten programs. (Aug 2003)
Keep public education separate from private education. (Jul 1996)


We need a sense of urgency about improving education system. (Sep 2007)
Nationwide program to reconstruct crumbling school buildings. (Sep 2007)
STEP UP: summer learning opportunities for disadvantaged. (Aug 2007)
We left the money behind for No Child Left Behind. (Aug 2007)
Pay "master teachers" extra, but with buy-in from teachers. (Aug 2007)
Sends kids to private school; but wants good schools for all. (Jul 2007)
Supreme Court was wrong on school anti-integration ruling. (Jul 2007)
Incentives to hire a million teachers over next decade. (Jun 2007)
Pay teachers more money & treat them like professionals. (Jun 2007)
Public school system status quo is indefensible. (Oct 2006)
More teacher pay in exchange for more teacher accountability. (Oct 2006)
Guarantee affordable life-long, top-notch education. (Jun 2006)
Provide decent funding and get rid of anti-intellectualism. (Jul 2004)
Address the growing achievement gap between students. (May 2004)
Will add 25,000 teachers in high-need areas. (May 2004)
Supports charter schools and private investment in schools. (Jul 1998)
Free public college for any student with B-average. (Jul 1998)


Start earlier with preschool for every child under 4. (Sep 2007)
Pay off college loans in exchange for national service. (Sep 2007)
Minimum wage for our teachers: $40,000 per year. (Aug 2007)
One-point plan on No Child Left Behind: Scrap it. (Aug 2007)
Scrap No Child Left Behind; it doesn't work. (Jul 2007)
Help failing schools; don't penalize by defunding them. (Jul 2007)
Minimum wage of $40,000 for teachers. (Jul 2007)
Supreme Court backstabbed equality of Brown v. Board of Ed. (Jul 2007)
Nobody asks how we pay for war; why do we ask on education? (Jun 2007)
Eliminate junk food in schools; statewide smoking ban. (Mar 2007)
Equip every 7th grader with a laptop computer. (Jan 2004)
Increase the salary of school teachers. (Jan 2004)
A plan that can reach straightforward education goals. (Jan 2004)
Charter schools show tremendous promise. (Jan 2004)
Expand the lottery scholarship program for college students. (Jan 2004)
No vouchers: they abandon public schools. (Oct 2002)
Provide parents with vouchers, even for religious schools. (Nov 1996)

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