Sunday, December 2, 2007


This blog is about each candidates view on abortion. I will also add in a general Republican view and a general Democratic view. Finally I will close the blog with my own view. You decide.


Giuliani - Pro-Choice - Ultimate decision by woman, her conscience, and her doctor; in 2000 ran as a pro-choice candidate; forever against abortion, but respect others' choice; encourage adoption, ban partial-birth abortion

Huckabee - Pro-Life - no states rights for moral issues; no tax funding for organizations that promote abortion; believes that to hate abortion but allow it is like hating slavery but allowing it

Hunter - Pro-Life - defines that life begins at conception

Keyes - Pro-Life - only exception is to preserve life of mother; not okay to kill child of six, not okay to kill child in the womb; abortion is unjust and immoral

McCain - Mixed - support adoption and foster care, work together on abortion; restrict abortions, no partial-birth, no public funding

Paul - Pro-Life - federal government out of abortion decision

Romney - Pro-Life - would be delighted to sign federal ban on all abortions; government should not intrude; cloning changed his mind from pro-choice to pro-life; personally against abortion, but pro-choice as a governor

Thompson - Pro-Life - believes life begins at conception and abortion takes a life; state's should decide policy on abortion; opposes partial birth ban; voted against Planned Parenthood

Biden - Mixed - No public funding for abortion; supports partial-birth abortion ban; accepts view that life begins at conception
Clinton - Pro-Choice - keep abortion safe, legal and rare into next century; lift ban on stem cell research to cure devastating diseases; fought for "plan B" contraceptives; late term abortion only if life or health are at risk
Dodd - Pro-Choice - conduct stem cell research; courts should decide abortion cases based on woman's health
Edwards - Pro-Choice - government should not decide for woman on partial-birth abortion; right to abortion is constitutionally protected
Gravel - Pro-Choice - any abortion decision should remain between woman and doctor; no limitation on stem cell research
Kucinich - Pro-Choice - women's right-to-choose is essential to gender equality; abortions should always be legal; women can't be free unless they have the right to choose; life begins at conception
Obama - Pro-Choice - against banning partial birth abortion; trust women to make own decisions on partial-birth abortion; pass the stem cell research bill; protect a woman's right to choose
Richardson - Pro-Choice - stem cell research as part of preventive healthcare; resist any effort to weaken a woman's right to choose
Republican overall
Democratic overall
I do not agree with abortions, but I believe in a woman's right to choose. By choosing to keep the baby, a pregnant woman is not giving up their choices. They still have the choice to keep the baby or to put up the baby up for adoption. Adoption is not always a good thing, however it gives the baby a chance to live.

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